USE英会話 - 大人から子供まで、様々な目的に合わせた少人数グループレッスンとプライベートレッスン


What it’s like to be a teacher at USE

USEnglish has been providing English education to students from all walks of life, ages 5 to 85, since 2006. Most of our students live in the Ogikubo/Asagaya area, but some come from as much as an hour away because they appreciate the quality we provide. Our students, even the young ones, are generally motivated and receptive to learning English.

Some aspects of teaching at USE can be a bit different for teachers with experience at other conversation schools. First of all, you may have to open and close the classroom on your own and you may be the only teacher at the school when you are teaching. Second, there is no set curriculum, as class content is based on the needs and interests of the students. However, there is a variety of texts, activity books, and games available for use at the school. Finally, most students take the same classes every week and teachers’ schedules are generally set before the beginning of each month.

This means that the right teacher for USE will be most importantly punctual, conscientious, and able to perform his or her duties without immediate oversight. He or she will be adaptable to a variety of students and able to choose appropriate class content. He or she will also enjoy having the same students week after week and seeing how their English abilities develop.

When positions are available, there will be a notice in the space above. However, we are always looking to hear from teachers who may be interested in future employment or are willing to do substitute lessons. If this is you, please feel free to send an introduction mail to
to Rosalyn Hagiwara via the contact form.
